Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Swimmer online

Well, there's three weeks left of my fundraising campaign. For the remaining three weeks I've decided post my film The Swimmer on Vimeo.

This film premiered at SIFF last year and has screened at Antimatter in Victoria BC, Northwest Filmmakers Festival in Portland, Other Cinema in San Francisco, Paris Festival of Experimental and Different Cinema in France and will screen at Festival Images Contre Nature in Marseille in July. It's also distributed by the Paris experimental film collective Collectif Jeune Cinema. The Swimmer is inspired by the John Cheever short story, and includes manipulated footage from the 1968 film of the same name by Frank & Eleanor Perry staring Burt Landcaster. This film has similarities with my proposed film Charade in that I'm taking the structure of one film, and abstracting it into an experimental narrative. 

I hope you will watch it, and feel free to watch my other films as well. If you like it, I hope you will support my project. Any amount of support will help, even the cost of a theater ticket or a cup of coffee. But of course the larger donations are tax deductible, will reward you with perks, and will be eligible for matching funds.

The Swimmer
Funding for Charade

Monday, June 25, 2012

A Lap in France

The Swimmer jumps the pond to swim another lap in French Cinemas. July 11th & 13th, Festival Images Contre Nature in Marseille France.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Lower Manhattan

Right before I started making films in 2005, I created a project of collecting dreams from friends and making art works out of them. The theme was recurrent dreams of places other than where you live. Some of these dreams found their way into my early films, like Tidal Wave. This particular one was given to me by Portland's Fred Nemo.  The work is acrylic transfer from a computer generated image, and acrylic on paper.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Fundraising Continues...

A very nice article about my USA Projects fundraising campaign by Bad Lit: The Journal of Underground Film!!

Flipbooks for Films

As a thank you for a $50 contribution for my new film project I've made these flipbooks out of a section of my film Tidal Wave. The books are 2.5" x 2.75", 74 pages, and fastened by a bulldog clip. I would love for all of you to have one. I have 4 more weeks to make my goal. If a little more than 100 of you pledge $50 I'm there! The deadline for pledging is July 21st.